Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Lecture on Social Work and Personality Development


Prof Naseem Ahmad Khan distributing the certificate at Adult Education Centre AMU’s Adult Education Centre Organizes Lecture on Social Work and Personality Development

ALIGARH, March 3: The Centre for Continuing and Adult Education and Extension (CCAEE), Aligarh Muslim University, organized an extra mural lecture on “Social Work and Personality Development” by Prof. Naseem Ahmad Khan, Chairman, Department of Social Work.

In his address, Prof. Khan highlighted the challenges in social work, emphasizing that it can be stressful and demanding, often leading to dilemmas, conflicts, or burnout. He explained how adopting a growth mindset helps in managing emotions, reflecting on actions, and seeking support.

He noted that mistakes and failures are an inevitable part of social work but should be viewed as learning opportunities. Acknowledging and analyzing failures, seeking feedback, and making corrective plans are essential steps for professional growth, he added.

Prof. Khan further emphasized the role of social workers in fostering a growth mindset in clients, colleagues, students, and community members.

He also distributed certificates for the FiT India Celebration to learners from various courses.

Dr. Shamim Akhtar, Director of the Centre proposed a vote of thanks.


Bird Count 2025 in AMU

 Prof Satish Kumar, Prof Urus Ilyas, Dr Kaleem Ahmad and others during the AMU’s Green Campus Hosts Successful Bird Count 2025

AMU’s Green Campus Hosts Successful Bird Count 2025 as a part of GBBC initiative: “AMU is home to more than 100 bird species, making it a sanctuary for avian biodiversity"

Aligarh, February 28: The Department of Wildlife Sciences, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), organized the Campus Bird Count (CBC) 2025 as part of the global Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) initiative. Held recently, the event documented AMU’s rich avian diversity, highlighting its reputation as a biodiversity haven with flourishing greenery, vibrant flowers, and diverse bird species.

With its century-old trees and seasonal blossoms the AMU campus provides a thriving habitat for numerous bird species. This year’s bird count covered six trail routes, ensuring a thorough survey of the campus’s diverse ecosystems. Students and faculty from the Department of Wildlife Sciences actively participated, contributing to global citizen science efforts and conservation research.

Dr. Kaleem Ahmed, the event coordinator and eBird India’s Honorary Uttar Pradesh State Coordinator for GBBC, highlighted that over 60 bird species were documented during the count, reaffirming AMU’s ecological significance. "The AMU campus is home to more than 100 bird species, making it a sanctuary for avian biodiversity," he stated.

Prof. Satish Kumar, Chairperson of the Department of Wildlife Sciences, praised the efforts to raise awareness and engage students in biodiversity preservation. He noted that the campus hosts diverse bird species vital for ecological balance. The common myna controls insect populations, while the house crow aids in waste management. The Indian peafowl helps in pest control, and the rose-ringed parakeet and rock pigeon support urban seed dispersal. The red-vented bulbul enhances pollination, and the Indian koel preys on caterpillars as a bio-indicator. The black drongo and jungle babbler reduce pests, while the cattle egret, often seen near grazing animals, manages insects in agricultural areas.

Adding to the event’s vibrancy, a bird painting competition was held, inspiring students to artistically interpret the beauty of AMU’s feathered inhabitants.

The Campus Bird Count not only celebrates AMU’s rich natural heritage but also exhibits university’s commitment for sustainable conservation practices.


Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan


JMI organizes Street Plays and Interactive Session to create awareness about substance abuse

*Events organized under Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan Awareness Drive of Government of India

جامعہ ملیہ اسلامیہ میں مادہ کے غلط استعمال کے سلسلے میں بیداری عام کرنے کے لیے نکڑ ناٹک اور مذاکرتی سیشن کااہتمام

حکومت ہند کی نشہ مکت بھارت ابھیان مہم کے تحت متعدد پروگراموں کا انعقاد


            حکومت کی نشہ مکت بھارت ابھیان (این ایم بی اے) بیداری مہم سے مکمل مطابقت رکھتے ہوئے جامعہ ملیہ اسلامیہ کے ڈین،اسٹوڈینٹ ویلفیئر آفس نے طلبہ میں مادے کے غلط استعمال کے سلسلے میں بیداری عام کرنے کے لیے متعدد اہم پروگرام کیے ہیں۔ تناظرات کی صورت گری اور بیداری کو فروغ دینے کے سلسلے میں تعلیمی اداروں کے اہم رول کو تسلیم کرتے ہوئے جامعہ ملیہ اسلامیہ نے قومی پہل کو تعاون دینے میں فعال موقف اختیار کیا ہے۔

            ستائیس فروری دوہزار پچیس کو مادے کے غلط استعمال کے خطرات اور اس کے دوررس سماجی اثرات کو اجاگر کرتے ہوئے دو فکر انگیز نکڑ ناٹک کھیلے گئے۔ڈاکٹر جاوید حسن کی کنوینر شپ اور پروفیسر دانش اقبال کی ایڈوائزرشپ میں ’خاموشی‘ کے عنوان سے ایک نکڑ ناٹک جامعہ کے ڈرامہ کلب نے پیش کیا۔اسٹریٹ تھیٹر کی موثر آواز کو استعمال کرتے ہوئے لت کے اثرات کے سلسلے میں ایک موثر پیغام دیا گیا۔پہلا نکڑ ناٹک جامعہ سینٹرل کینٹین میں کھیلا گیا جب کہ دوسرا ایف ٹی کے۔سی آئی ٹی میں کھیلا گیا۔ پر اثر قصہ گوئی کی مدد سے دونوں نکڑ ناٹکوں نے ہم جماعتوں کے دباؤ،غلط اطلاعات اور مدد کی خواستگاری کی اہمیت نے سامعین پر دیر پا اثر چھوڑا۔

            بعد میں پروفیسر نیلوفر افضل، ڈین،ڈی ایس ڈبلیو اور پروفیسر رویندر آر۔پاٹل،اسسٹنٹ،ڈی ایس ڈبلیو کی قیادت و رہنمائی میں ایف ٹی کے۔سی آئی ٹی ہال کانفرنس ہال میں ’نشہ مکت بھارت اویرنیس ڈرائیو‘ کے موضوع پر ایک مذاکراتی اجلاس بھی منعقد کیا گیا۔

            پروگرام میں جناب آلوک اگروال اور جناب محمد مسرور عالم قاسمی شامل تھے جنھوں نے مادے کے غلط استعمال کی نفسیاتی،سماجی اور صحت سے متعلق پہلوؤں پر اظہار خیال کیا۔ پروگرام  مذاکراتی نوعیت کا ہونے کی وجہ سے بامعنی مباحثے میں طلبہ کی شمولیت کی حوصلہ افزائی کے ساتھ اپنے خدشات کو مقررین کے سامنے رکھنے اور نشہ آور چیزوں سے کیمپس کو پاک رکھنے کے سلسلے میں اپنے رول کو سمجھنے کی بھی حوصلہ افزائی کی گئی۔

            بیداری مہم اٹھائیس فروری دوہزار پچیس کو بھی جاری رہی جب فیکلٹی آف فائن آرٹس میں تیسر ا نکڑ ناٹک کھیلا گیا۔اس اضافی ڈرامے نے پہلے دن کے بنیادی پیغام کی توثیق کی اور مختلف شعبوں کے بڑی پیمانے پر سامعین طلبہ تک بیداری مہم کی آواز پہنچی۔

            پروفیسر نیلو فر افضل،ڈین،اسٹوڈینٹس ویلفیئر کی قیادت و نگرانی میں یہ پہل ہوئی ہیں جنھوں نے طلبہ کی شراکت کو فروغ دیا ہے نیز سماجی مسائل سے نبرد آزمائی میں نوجوان قیادت کی اہمیت پر زور دیاہے۔  جامعہ ملیہ اسلامیہ ایک زیادہ صحت مند،نشہ آور چیزوں سے پاک کیمپس کے فروغ کے تئیں اپنے عہد کو دہراتے ہوئے جاری بیداری مہم پروگراموں اور ہم جماعتوں کی شروع کی گئی پہل کے توسط سے ان کوششوں کو جاری رکھنے کے لیے پابند عہد ہے۔

Prof Ayesha Farooq

 Prof Ayesha Farooq presenting the memento to Mr. Ehteshamul Haque during the Extension Lecture on Global Business Communication

AMU Organizes Extension Lecture on Global Business Communication

ALIGARH February 24: The Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Studies and Research, Aligarh Muslim University, hosted an extension lecture titled "Decoding the Cultural Symphony: Mastering Global Business Communication" at the Frank & Debbie Islam Management Complex. The session aimed to equip students with essential insights into effective communication strategies in a globalized business landscape, with a focus on cultural understanding in professional interactions.

The event was hosted by Arefa Tanveer, a first-year MBA student, who introduced the distinguished speakers, Mr. Ehteshamul Haque, Director, Asia Pacific, Digital Control Inc., USA, and Mr. Faiz Ahmad, Principal Consultant, India and Middle East, Sekisui Chemical Co. Ltd.

In her welcome address, Prof. Ayesha Farooq, Dean, Faculty of Management Studies and Research, highlighted the significance of global communication skills in today’s evolving business environment. She emphasized how cultural intelligence can enhance professional success on an international stage.

Mr. Haque elaborated on the critical role of cultural nuances in shaping communication styles, decision-making processes, and business relationships. His discussion encompassed key cultural theories, rhetorical differences, rapid cultural adaptation, long-term collaboration, and the increasing importance of virtual teams in a digitally connected world. He also provided comparative insights into business communication practices in India, China, and the USA, offering students a broader understanding of global business interactions.

The session concluded with an engaging Q&A segment, where students actively participated in discussions on cross-cultural communication challenges and strategies for effective collaboration in multinational environments.

Delivering the concluding remarks, Prof. Parvaiz Talib emphasized the importance of reserving judgment and fostering direct engagement when interacting with people from diverse cultural backgrounds.

The vote of thanks was presented by Rafey Nizam, a first-year MBA student, who acknowledged the valuable contributions of the speakers, faculty members, and attendees in making the event a success.

The extension lecture provided an enriching experience for students, reinforcing AMU’s commitment to fostering globally competent professionals with a deep understanding of cross-cultural communication dynamics.


JMI Schools Admission 2025-2026


JMI Schools Admission 2025-2026: Class XI Science, Arts and Commerce admission forms available online


New Delhi: The online application forms for admission to the XI Science, Arts, and Commerce streams of the schools of Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) are now open and have been made accessible since March 1, 2025. The deadline for submitting the application forms is March 21, 2025. All applicants, including foreign students, may submit their applications at https://admission.jmi.ac.in .


For further information and details please visit the university websites at:  www.jmi.ac.in  and www.jmicoe.in .

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Fire Fighting Drone “FIRE X”

 Winners AICTE-IDE Team Jamia 

JMI team’s Autonomous Fire Fighting Drone “FIRE X” wins First Prize in “Innovation, Design, and Entrepreneurship (IDE) Bootcamp” Competition


New Delhi: Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) is delighted to inform that a team of students from the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the university has won the First Prize (All India Rank -1) in “Innovation, Design, and Entrepreneurship (IDE) Bootcamp” competition, an all-India event, organized by the AICTE and the Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell (MIC). The competition was held between February 17 and 21, 2025 at IIT, Jammu featuring about 40 teams from across the country.


The initiative, “IDE Bootcamp”, envisioned by Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, aims to nurture the innovation, design, and entrepreneurial skills of student innovators and innovation ambassadors from higher education institutes and schools.


The team from JMI was led by Ms Afaaf Siddiqui, accompanied by four additional members Mr. Vikas, Mr. Vivek Kumar Das, Mr. Amaan Hasan Farooqi and Mr. Mohammad Sahil Khan, all of whom are students of B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) VI Semester.  Under the supervision of Prof. S.M. Muzakkir from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, JMI, the team conceptualized, designed and developed an Autonomous Fire Fighting Drone named “FIRE X”.


The team conveyed their sincere gratitude for the exemplary leadership and vision of the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Mazhar Asif. His commitment to cultivating a culture of innovation and excellence has played a crucial role in guiding the team towards the attainment of excellence.


The Vice Chancellor congratulated the members of the winning team and their supervisor for the exemplary performance in the competition and wished them good luck for their future endeavors. 


The team would like to extend their sincere gratitude to the Head of Mechanical Engineering Department, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering & Technology and Director of the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, JMI for providing the necessary support, mentorship and infrastructure.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Dr. Abdur Rauf : New Provost


Dr. Abdur Rauf

Dr. Sharmin Khan

                                        New Provosts Appointed at AMU Halls of Residence

ALIGARH February 22: Aligarh Muslim University has appointed new Provosts for two of its Halls of Residence, effective immediately.

Professor Sharmin Khan from the Department of Architecture, Zakir Husain College of Engineering and Technology, has been appointed as the Provost of Bibi Fatima Hall, while Dr. Abdur Rauf from the Department of Ilmul Advia, Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College, has been appointed as the Provost of Sir Syed Hall (South).

Both appointments are for a tenure of two years or until further orders.


Friday, February 21, 2025

वीमेंस कॉलेज में मुशायर


                                                   वीमेंस कॉलेज में अखिल भारतीय मुशायरे का आयोजन

अलीगढ़, 21 फरवरीः  वीमेंस कॉलेज सभ्यताशालीनता और ज्ञान व साहित्य का केंद्र है। इस संस्थान ने हमेशा से भाषा और साहित्य की सेवा की हैजिसका एक लंबा इतिहास रहा है। यह बातें वीमेंस कॉलेज के प्रिंसिपल प्रोफेसर मसूद अनवर अल्वी ने वीमेन्स कॉलेज के ऑडिटोरियम में आयोजित अखिल भारतीय मुशायरे में स्वागत भाषण देते हुए कहीं।

उन्होंने अलीगढ़ मुस्लिम यूनिवर्सिटी की वैज्ञानिकसाहित्यिक और काव्य परंपराओं का उल्लेख करते हुए कहा कि कविता अभिव्यक्ति का एक सबसे प्रभावी माध्यम है। कविता ने न केवल दिलों को धड़काया हैबल्कि उन्हें गर्माया भी है। सामाजिक स्तर पर इसका बहुत महत्व है। प्रोफेसर मसूद अनवर अलवी ने कहा कि यह मुशायरा सामान्य प्रकार के मुशायरों से अलग हैक्योंकि इसके उद्देश्य अलग हैं। हम कॉलेज में मुशायरे का आयोजन इसलिए भी करते हैं ताकि हमारी छात्राएं इस पुरानी परंपरा से परिचित रहें। मुशायरों की परंपरा ने हमारी साहित्यिक परंपरा को जीवित रखने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाई है। इस अवसर पर उन्होंने शायरा डॉक्टर जोया जैदी के निधन पर दुख और शोक व्यक्त करते हुए उनके व्यक्तित्व और कविता के बारे में चर्चा की और श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित की। 

इससे पूर्वमुशायरे के अध्यक्ष शमीम तारिकमुख्य अतिथि अजहर इनायती और प्रिंसिपल प्रोफेसर मसूद अनवर अलवी ने दीप प्रज्वलित करके मुशायरे का शुभारंभ किया। 

मुशायरे की औपचारिक शुरुआत अजहर इनायती और सबीहा सुम्बुल की नातिया शायरी से हुई। इस अवसर पर पेश किए गए चुनिंदा शेर पाठकों की रुचि के लिए प्रस्तुत किए जा रहे हैं।

अपनी तस्वीर बनाओगे तो होगा एहसा स 

कितना दुश्वार है खुद को कोई चेहरा देना

अजहर इनायती 


बहादुरी के जो किस्से सुना रहा है बहुत 

महाजे जंग से भागा हुआ एक सिपाही है 

शमीम तारिक 


तुम्हारा शहर हैतुम जो कहो बजा है वह 

हमारा सिर्फ खुदा हैमगर खुदा है वह 

शहपर रसूल 


कुछ नहीं था मेरे पास खोने को 

तुम मिले तो डर गया हूँ मैं 

नोमान शौक 


बात हो तो यह पूछें आसमान वाले से 

इस जमीन पर इतनी आग क्यों बरसती है 

महताब हैदर नकवी 


कभी हाल-ए-दिल कहना बेसाख्ता 

कभी बस एक टुक उसे देखना 

सैयद सिराजुद्दीन अजमली 


लकीर खींच के बैठी है तिशनगी  मेरी 

बस एक जिद है कि दरिया यहीं पे आएगा 

आलम खुर्शीद 


दिल का बस एक तकाजा है कि ऐसा कर लूं 

जागती आँखों से मैं नींद का सौदा कर लूं 

सरवर साजिद 


जान की कीमत जब पानी पर लिखी गई 

प्यास हमारी पेशानी पर लिखी गई 

मुईद रशीदी


हर एक शख््स को दुश्मन अगर बनाओगे

मिजाज पूछने वाला कहाँ से लाओगे

अतहर शकील


हकीकतें तो मेरे रोज ओ शब की साथी हैं

मैं रोज ओ शब की हकीकत बदलना चाहती हूँ

अजरा नकवी


हम अपनी मोहब्बत का तमाशा नहीं करते

करते हैं अगर कुछ तो दिखावा नहीं करते

मुश्ताक सादिक


ढूँढा उसे तो खुद से मुलाकात हो गई

ऐसा भी इत्तेफाक हुआ है कभी-कभी

राहत हसन


कह रहा है सदियों से ताज का हसीं चेहरा

फन अगर मुकम्मल हो तो बोलती हैं तस्वीरें

सबीहा सुम्बुल


नब्ज-ए-हयात डूबीआया अर्क जबीं से

कश्ती कहीं पे डूबीतूफान उठा कहीं से

अजीजा रिजवी


मुशायरे में कॉलेज के अध्यापकगैर-शिक्षण कर्मचारी और छात्राओं समेत बड़ी संख्या में अलीगढ़ की महत्वपूर्ण इल्मी शख्िसयतों ने शिरकत की।

मुशायरे का संचालन डॉ. सरवर साजिद और डॉ. शारिक अकील ने संयुक्त रूप से किया।


All India Mushaira at Women’s College

Women’s College Releases Magazine


Collage AMU Women’s College Releases First-Ever E-Version of Annual Magazine 

AMU Women’s College Releases E-Version of Annual Magazine : As part of the Founders’ Day Celebration 2025, the Women’s College of Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), released the e-version of the Women’s College MagazineKhatoon, marking a significant milestone in the institution’s literary and academic pursuits. The digital version of Khatoon, originally initiated by Shaikh Abdullah in 1905, was also launched alongside the magazine.

Published under the patronization of Prof. Masud Anwar Alavi, Principal, Women’s College, the magazine, a collaborative effort of faculty and students, reflects the interdisciplinary spirit of the institution, featuring contributions from various academic streams, including Sciences, Social Sciences, and Arts.

The English section was guided by Advisory Board members Prof. Nazia Hasan and Dr. Fouzia Usmani, with Zunaira Habib Alvi as Editor and Madiha Naaz as Joint Editor.

The Hindi section was supervised by Prof. Reshma Begum and Dr. Shagufta Niyaz, with Ishana Perween as Editor and Mobshshera Khatoon as Joint Editor.

For the Urdu section, Dr. Ghulam Sarwar Khan and Dr. Mohd. Haneef Khan served as Advisors. Huma Firdos (Editor) led the section, with Azra Shameem as the Joint Editor.

The magazine’s design, including its cover, was created by Mariam Hashmi and  Akriti Pundhir.

The Magazine can be accessed through the following link:



Chancellor of the MNU visits JMI


Chancellor of the Maldives National University visits JMI

A delegation from Maldives National University (MNU), Maldives led by its Chancellor Dr. Mahamood Shougee visited Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) on 20th February, 2025 at 10:30 a.m. to meet and interact with JMI leadership, administration and faculty in the Yasser Arafat Hall. Prof. Mazhar Asif, Honourable Vice-Chancellor, JMI, Prof. Md. Mahtab Alam Rizvi, Registrar, JMI and Deans of faculties and other officials were present on the occasion. The purpose of the visit was to explore educational partnership between India and Maldives.

Dr. Mahamood delivered his presentation on ‘Educational Partnership between India and Maldives: Looking back and forward’. He made a very comprehensive presentation on Madives various aspects including geographical aspects, educational, economical, tourism. He also dwelt upon India’s close ties with Maldives and various collaborative projects and mutual ties between the two countries. Further, he also presented a ‘road ahead for mutual cooperation’ especially in education sector between JMI and MNU Maldives

Earlier, the OSD International Institutional Relations, JMI formally welcomed the Chancellor of MNU, VC of JMI and other dignitaries. Dr. Mahamood Shougee, prior to becoming Chancellor of MNU has also served in various capacities such as Minister of Education, Minister of Tourism and Civil Aviation, Maldives. Dr. Mahamood, a doctorate in Education from University of Toronto, played a crucial role in the expansion of secondary and higher education opportunities in Maldives, including the establishment of the Maldives Accreditation Board (currently MQA) for quality Assurance of higher education.

Thereafter, dignitaries present shared their opinions about various potential areas in different departments/faculties where collaborative efforts may be initiated.

In the Presidential remarks, Prof. Mazhar Asif, Honourable Vice-Chancellor, JMI explained the cultural and social closeness of India with Maldives since ancient times. He also talked about the diversity of the language, culture, religion and various sects present in India. He observed that it was nation’s diversity that provided conducive ecosystem for all to grow. He assured the visiting Chancellor of MNU by saying that JMI is ready for all the help and collaboration in various fields of education. JMI has proved its excellence in India and abroad and has maintained NIRF rank 3rd in the country. 

Prof. Md. Mahtab Alam Rizvi, Registrar,JMI while delivering the formal vote of thanks also extended invitations to the Deans of MNU Maldives to JMI for further strengthening the ties between the two universities.


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